Sunday 23 November 2014

Beauty Box: MEMEBOX SUPERBOX #69 Banila Co.

Phew. If you've seen my slightly pathetic attempt at blogging during the week, you might have gathered I was stuck in an essay blur. I had had to be very stern with myself and say that I wouldn't write a blog until I had finished said essay. Of course, I just started looking at poems about procrastination and time instead - perhaps the definition of procrastination? Anyway, my latest MEMEBOX was like a little ray of sunshine that arrived on my doorstep during a long week, and now that I've finished my essay (albeit a bit of editing) I think it's time that I shared its contents. Yay!

Banila Co. is apparently a bit of a big deal in China and South Korea. I hadn't actually heard of it but when I saw that MEMEBOX was releasing a box dedicated to the cosmetics brand, I decided it was time I had an introduction. It was pretty exciting to get a box filled with goodies for my face. It practically had an entire routine covered. The make-up removal balm and peeling clay face scrub are both really interesting. Don't you just love the name Claypatra? Amazing. The balm is described as having a sherbet like texture. Not sure about that. But it made my skin feel really soft.

And I also got some make-up goodies. The gel eyeliner arrived at a great time as I'd just lost mine. I'm pretty sure I have a make-up eating monster, as well as a sock eating monster, living under my bed. I also got a primer, which I'm not so keen on because it has quite a greasy texture, and a bright red lipstick which I'll probably add to my stash or re-home. I might have mentioned before that I only wear lipstick very rarely. I just haven't managed to find the one for some reason. My favourite product is the tint balm. It's a bit magic. It is very transparent in colour in the pot but when you add it to your lips it gives a really natural pink blush. What is this witch craft? It'll be a great addition to my handbag to give my everyday look a bit more polish and colour. I have to actually leave the house tomorrow and submit my essay so maybe I'll take it for a spin. Wish me luck.

What do you think of my latest MEMEBOX? What's your favourite handbag product?


  1. aww good luck with your essay! i love your blog :) id love it if youd comment back xx

    1. Thank you. :) That's really kind. Can't wait to be free of it, and start the next one. Haha.

      Lisa xo

  2. Lovely looking products, thanks for sharing! <3

    I have a new outfit post on my blog, would love to know your thoughts:


    1. No problem. I always love sharing all my beauty finds! Thanks for your comment.

      Lisa xo
