Wednesday 19 November 2014

Thought: Procrastination

We push time from us, and we wish him back;
Lavish of lustrums, and yet fond of life;
Life we think long, and short; death seek, and shun;
Body and soul, like peevish man and wife, United jar, and yet are loth to part.
Oh the dark days of vanity!
while here, How tasteless! and how terrible, when gone!
Gone! they ne’er go; when past, they haunt us still;

An excerpt from Edward Young's Thoughts on Time

I'm having one of those days. What are your top tips to avoid procrastination?


  1. im having one of those days too :/ i literally cant seem to achieve anything! id love it if youd comment back xx

    1. It's so annoying, isn't it? I procrastinated enough to google poems about procrastination and then post one on here. Think I should win some kind of award! Thanks for your comment.

      Lisa xo

  2. Hmm I'm awful for procrastinating too, usually end up watching some Breaking Bad.. or blogging! :P

    I have a new outfit post up, let me know what you think! :)


    1. I am so bad. Taken me all week to write a 3000 word essay! I've told myself I'm not allowed to properly blog until it is all finished. Thanks for commenting.

      Lisa xo
